
A declaration of love to the vineyards of Pannonhalma

Your gaze brushes over the gentle hills of Pannonhalma. The late summer morning awakes with the sun softly bathing the landscape in red light. The fox and the rabbit go to sleep, a busy new day dawns. The light lifts its mist like a veil, and clears the view of its unbridled, wonderfully green and vast landscape. Warmth dries the morning thaw, filling the air with intoxicating sweetness and spices. It is here that we unfold the wings of our minds and our love of nature. Our harmony with the soul of the terroir gifts us the fruit of the vine. Nature and our hard work, the magic of creation fills our bottles with the taste of life and the warmth of the sun. This is our little paradise on earth. Our love and devotion are infinite, beloved Earth.


Our vineyard "CSERI" is strongly connected to the image of the phoenix. The mythical creature represents the vineyard's general principles. Inspired by the largely unknown wine-growing area Nyúl, located in the Pannonhalma region, the name "Phoenix" was created. The expression "to rise like a phoenix" is used for something which was thought to be lost, but now is restored to its former glory – a perfect metaphor for this young company. The winery has a long story. Wine has been produced here for 200 years. Our vines are now 15 years old.

The growing vineyard Cseri, named after the family who owns it, is carefully and diligently managed. The high aspirations and standards we set for the work in the vineyard also apply to vinification and the development of the wines. Modern technology paired with traditional processes ensure high quality. Our enologist, the first son of the Cseri family, studied at the University of Hungary and works now for the family business.

Our wines are, partly, stored in our old vault cellars until they are mature. The result are wines in the brightest colors: bright yellow, gold, rosé, red and deep red – just like the beautiful feathers of the phoenix.

Norbert Cseri

Norbi – Winemaker

The head of our family and the winery as well. Although for us he is just Dad or Darling, he is also a winemaker with serious professional experience. He spent seven years at the Abbey Winery of Pannonhalma, which he still talks about as a benchmark. To learn more about the processing of his favourite red wines, he worked for half a year at the Konyári Winery. As for our wines, the most important thing for him is quality. For that, he is able to work as hard as he has to. His life is his profession and his family. Usually his quiet until it comes to wine lovers who open him up. He believes if our profession is our passion as well, we can create something special. With this mindset, he inspires us every day. His professional experience and maximalism made the winery’s TOP red wine ’Legenda’ successful.
Fotó: Szami/ RAW Agency
Fotó: Szami/ RAW Agency

Barnabás Cseri

Barni - the young winemaker of the family

Compared to his age, his knowledge is wide and big. In high school, he was planning to work in hospitality and spent 3 summers in Switzerland in different kitchens of restaurants. The time passed but we still love eating his cooking, especially when he uses wine as a secret ingredient. As he went to university he chose winemaking as his major. He believes that we can’t learn the profession in school but we have to practice it. This mindset helped him learning the basics from his dad and furthermore to spend six months working as the right hand of Bernhard Schug at Dr. Loosen Weingut. The success product of our cellar Barni’s Riesling, II. Secundus now, was his creation.

Auguszta Cseri

Auguszta - the youngest member of the family

Winelovers mostly meet her during summer break or long weekends. She represents the family during wine festivals and events. She introduces our wines with competence. She is still studying, she started university in September of 2019. Her major is International Wine Business in the center of the beautiful Wachau wine region, Krems.
Fotó: Szami/ RAW Agency
Fotó: Szami/ RAW Agency

Eszter Cseriné Hatoss

Eszter – trading, sales

While the boys are working on the new selections she stays in touch with our traders and partners. She takes a huge pressure off of our winemakers' shoulders and bargaining is in her blood. She finds the common voice with everyone and that helps her compose different selections for the different consumers. The success of our events and participation in festivals is her precise work.